Theo tin Bao Chau Kelly
Dear friends,
Knowledge is power.
Here is the opportunity for you to be powerful by arming yourself with the knowledge of New Hampshire constitutions so you can understand where the problems are and take small actions to make a difference or at least understand why we are facing the challenges and all kinds of problems in life. This is a 12 week ZOOM class on every Monday at 7pm starting on Monday January 27 so you can participate from anywhere and will be taught by our Constitution Scholar Daniel Richard. Please contact Dan directly at
Also, attached is the flyer in case you can help with the fund for Dan to fight for voter integrity even though President Trump already won the 2024 election. We need to fix the root cause of the problems otherwise we will lose our freedom on an unexpected day because “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.”
Please forward this email to your network and post these flyers on all of your social media so others can participate also or at least raise awareness on these issues.
Actions speak the loudest so I am hoping all of us will take small actions everyday to make a difference in our wonderful country to preserve our FREEDOM.
I am excited to count down the day that we can see our 47th President Trump in office and take all kinds of actions on that new INDEPENDENCE DAY and I am so thankful for everyone that worked hard for our election and voted for President Trump and all republican candidates!
May God bless America and keep us all safe!
Chau Kelley
Cell: 603-661-7988